On Friday club chairman John Sullivan introduced the evening's judge Dave Mc Donald an Australian now living in Co Fermanagh. Dave a member of the Enniskillen club has wide photographic interests in travel ,landscape, and architecture.
In his preamble Dave said that street photography was difficult to define and as the genre had many interpretations depending on the view of each photographer. It is this that makes this type of photography difficult but very rewarding to those who master it complications.
The capture and isolation of ordinary life in the urbane or public environment often in secret or without permission is an essential element of this type of photography.
Never the less many have provided insights in providing a definition .
Flaneur is a a French noun ,meaning a male person a stroller, a lounger , a saunter possessing the ability to wander detached from society with the purpose to be an observer.
There is a female version the passante dating from the works of French writer Marcel Proust and in our own 21 century the use of the word flaneuse is often used.
The term was first used by the French poet Charles Baudelaire 1821 to 1867 and refers someone who is obsessed with the city or urban life in order to observe it. It is essentially a documentary pursuit.
Having said all the above an image of the posed and willing also falls within the remit of street photography.
Starting with advanced colour print Dave stated that what he would say is only his opinion and that a different judge may well take another view. All 21 of the images in this category were displayed and Dave talked about each one in turn offering his advice on how some improvements could be made but often praising what he liked.
Good colour, tone contrast, sharpness where needed and composition were the the most important issues that Dave wished to see in a photograph. Subjects that indicated the relation between people or had a story to tell of their relation to one another and the environment were much praised. Dave delivered his verdicts in a measured and considerate manner and even when making some criticism ended by saying to an author well done for their efforts. A sense of scale, eye contact and and position in the frame were also items to be considered by photographs and a sense of movement would enliven and add much to some images.
In the same manner Dave considered the other categories. Novice colour print ,advanced and novice mono print and digital projection.
All of the work presented this evening showed an outstanding grasp and dedication to this form of photography by all who entered, but eventually Dave pronounced his verdict and announced the winning photographs.
BNDCC members thank Dave for attending and giving consideration to their work.
R2 PDI Advanced
First John Sullivan Run!
Second Alan Field The Demonstrator
Third Alan Field Sometimes You Just Gotta Sunbath
Highly Commended Ray Magill Standing Passenger
Highly Commended Leanne Simpson Look Behind To The Future
Commended Alastair Bell Charicaturist - Cenfuego
Commended Conor Davidson Coffee is my favourite co-worker
Commended Conor Davidson A Man's Face Is His Autobiography. Commended Ray Magill Cornmarket Entertainer
R2 PDI Novice
First Beverley Stevenson Yellow
Second Beverley Stevenson A Wee Chat
Third Beverley Stevenson Colour In The Rain
R2 Colour Print Advanced
First John Sullivan Time Is Money
Second Alastair Bell Watching
Third Conor Davidson In The Right Light, At The Right Time
Highly Commended Alastair Bell Trinidad Musician
Highly Commended Conor Davidson Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do
Commended Alan Field He's Behind You
Commended Alan Field Legsink
Commended Ray Magill Waiting For Service
R2 Colour Print Novice
First Beverley Stevenson Window View
Second Beverley Stevenson Happy Hour
Third Beverley Stevenson Strolling Along
R2 Mono Print Advanced
First Alastair Bell Street Food Palermo
Second Harry Graham Tired Walking
Third John Sullivan The Singer
Highly Commended Alastair Bell Street Photographer
Highly Commended Alan Field Immortalised On A Mural
Highly Commended Harry Graham A Done Deal
Commended Ray Magill Accordion Player And Dog
Commended Mandy Milliken Camera Man
Commended Mandy Milliken Worn Out
R2 Mono Print Novice
First Hazel Newell The Look Of Love
Second Beverley Stevenson Oblivious To Rain
Third Beverley Stevenson Umbrella Day
Commended Beverley Stevenson Street Cool