Bangor & North Down Camera Club PDI Upload
Projected Digital Image Upload Form
The Club has adopted the “Photo-Entry” system to manage our competitions, (particularly PDIs but also for Prints).
Paid-up Club Members will have been issued with a personal password to gain access to the new system. The link to the system is https://compent.photoentry.uk/compent/
Using the PhotoEntry system members can:
See a full list of competitions, dates and requirements using any browser
Upload, modify and delete entries into any competitions that are open
No need to remember your competition number or whether you are advanced or foundation.
Ability to type your own title without having to rename files
View your entries and scores for all competitions
No need to prepare and email files with specific names etc
Have entries automatically checked against competition rules such as number of images per entry and entries per competition
Have PDIs checked for dimensions and colour space in real-time and advice provided
Have PDIs resized (with warnings when not ideal)
See Immediately that entries have been accepted
Decide whether or not winning entries may be displayed on the club website and if so to remove metadata and/or add a copyright watermark
For details on PDI sizes etc please see the 'Guidelines on Projected Digital Images' section.