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Club & NIPA Competitions - Round 4


Last Friday hot on the heals of the previous weeks panels competition the judging of Round Four Inter Club NIPA [Northern Ireland Photographic Association ] competition took place.

The theme for this round was Human Impact on the Environment, a challenging topic.

Never the less club members responded with an array of different and interesting interpretations .

The judge for the evening was Brian McKenna from Westcourt Camera Club who said he was delighted to be asked to judge and was also pleased to visit the club premises where a number of members had gathered while others had joined in on Zoom. Brian had the honour of being the first judge in the Ward Avenue facility since the beginning of the pandemic .

Brian began by revealing that he had prior sight of the entered images and had as a result made his decisions. In this round a balance between photographic merit, and interpretation of the theme needed to be considered, indeed you might say it is the balance between form and content or meaning.

Commencing with colour print Brian gave his critique of every image on display saying that often it was the authors titles that had given a clue as to the intent. Brian noted that not all human influences on the environment had negative results, and that there were a few entries that highlighted some positive implications, though most had concentrated on issues around climate change, pollution, urban decay, discarded items such as shopping trolleys, bicycles and graffiti.

The impact on animals, birds and, water dwelling creatures was explored by many, and some entries explored colourful abstract images of the colonisation of discarded materials by sea or river incrustations. An image in colour print of congested motor cycle in Vietnam titled 'Get off and Walk' received much praise from the judge as did an image in mono print titled 'When The Wheels Come Off'.

Brian offered his advice on matters of composition by saying how an image might be improved by cropping to remove distracting elements and thought that simplicity was a good approach to make a meaningful impactive statement .

Turning to mono print and finally to digital projection and again considering at length each image, Brian revealed his advice and praise applying similar principals as already stated in the colour print category.

To conclude congratulations to all the winning and placed authors and indeed to all who had submitted their work which collectively explored a challenging theme with imagination and with many diverse interpretations of the theme .

BNDCC offer their thanks to Brian for his insightful advice and consideration .


NOVICE Colour Print

Beverley Stevenson First

ADVANCED Colour Print

Alan Field Get off and Walk First

Mandy Milliken Subway Graffiti Second

Edward McCavana The Sassi Ancient Cave Dwellings Third

Edward McCavana Disappearing Glacier Highly Commended

Alastair Bell Robins Nest Commended

NOVICE Mono Print

Beverley Stevenson Pan Rocks Legs First

ADVANCED Colour Print

Alastair Bell - When the Wheels Come Off


Alastair Bell - Remembered But Not Respected


Harry Graham - Pollution Queue Third

Alastair Bell - Abandoned Trolley Highly Commended

Alan Field - Harness The Wind Commended

NOVICE Digital Projection

Beverley Stevenson Beauty Spots First

ADVANCED Digital Projection

Alastair Bell Abandoned Trolley In Aisle 2 First

Jack Thompson Ploughing Second

Alan Field A Little Wine Third

Mandy Milliken Online Shopping Kills The High Street Highly Commended

Leanne Simpson Can I Eat This Commended

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