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Club & NIPA Competition Round 1 (2023-24)


As Autumn weather set in on Friday 22nd September club members gathered to witness the judging of the first inter club competition of the new season which commenced only a few weeks ago but already club events are well established .

It was excellent to see so many attending including a number of new members in what was a return to full participation in the club premises following the hybrid Zoom meetings of last year.

This was round one club and NIPA [Northern Ireland Photographic Association ] competition an open round meaning entrants could submit any work of their choice.

Harry Watson the competitions secretary opened proceedings by welcoming all including new members and for their benefit outlined how the competition system worked before introducing the evenings judge Chelle McGaughey .

Two categories novice and advanced with work in colour print,mono print and digital projection are displayed for the judges consideration.

It was thus that Chelle commenced her task starting with advanced mono print commenting on every image and offering her advice and suggestions where improvements could be made . Issues such s print and mount size ,exposure ,brightness and focus were among the concerns expressed by Chelle .

Eventually Chelle made known he winning and placed images as follows:

Advanced Mono Print

Ray Magill First Place

Ray Magill Second Place

Nigel Snell Third Place

Leanne Simpson Highly Commended

Leanne Simpson Commended

Advanced Colour Print

Turning then to colour print Chelle once again considered every image giving her advice and observations . Chromatic aberration ,focus, exposure and brightness were among the matters highlighted by Chelle before again announcing her choice of winning and placed images .

Nigel Snell First Place

Leanne Simpson Second Place

Ray Magill Third Place

Harry Graham Highly Commended

Nigel Snell Commended

Following the intermission for refreshments during which members were able to view the images on display Chelle considered the images for digital projection, and after revealing her winning images and placings said that this section was the most difficult to judge as all the entries were equally good.

Digital Projection Novice

Rona Miller First Place

Rona Miller Second Place

Hazel newell Third Place

Hazel Newell Highly Commended and commended

Digital Projection Advanced

Leanne Simpson First Place

Mandy Milliken Second Place

Alastair Bell Third Place

Edward McCavana Commended

Jack Thompson Commended

Many thanks to Chelle for her considerations which gave invaluable feedback to the club.

Congratulations to the winning and placed authors and to all who entered their work for consideration .

Club members wish to convey their best wished to a long standing member Alan Field who has not been well of late. All are thinking of Alan at this time .

Edward McCavana BNDCC Information Officer

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