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Wildlife Photography - Tracey Lund


Last Friday Tracey Lund FSINWP FBPP FMPA ARPS OEP ANPS DPAGB AF[AP QPSA joined with club members to present her photographic work as a follow up to her talk given in 2022

Tracey who hails from Hull in East Yorkshire commenced to deliver her talk which was to be an unfaltering stream convening her passion and enthusiasm for her craft spoken in the musical cadences of her native Yorkshire.

This body of work was for the most part concerned with warm weather ,while her talk in 2022 had been in cold times Tracey confided that a trip to Africa had been the catalyst to fire her passion for wildlife photography.

While employe as a network maintenance engineer Tracey was able to devote time to pursue her photography ambitions and more recently has given up her job to engage full time as a professional photographer.Her journeys and adventures take to to many remote wilderness regions of the planet including America Canada , India and Africa to where she has planned to visit later this year.

Tracey explained that with what she does there is a need to expect the unexpected, anticipation and challenge are always present .venturing out in all weathers and at early morning in what she described as silly o'clock need to be endured but at the end if rewarded with enduring images and memories all is worth any discomforts.

For her first dip into her odyssey Tracey took us to Alaska where from Anchorage her group flew by sea plane to The Ketamine reserve . This was during the salmon run and as she and companions were gathered on the bank adjacent to a pool where the salmon had gathered before moving on to the spawning grounds. A female bear approached with two cubs and having checked out that the party of humans were not a threat left the cups to move elsewhere to fish content to leave the cubs .

The group made sure not to cause any concern for the two young bears .This is an example of the magical moments experienced by this photographer. Later as the photographers sitting by a river bank watching the bears fish a male bear approached from behind and arriving close but on offering no aggression Tracey thought that if she had her mobile phone with her she might put her arm round the male bear to take a selfie.

Moving on to Yellowstone National Park in winter snow to photograph bison elk and coyote.Here the means of transport was by tracked vehicle from which the photographers were able to descend to photograph the creatures at eye level The bison with faces blotched with show using their massive heads to dig down into the snow to find some grass to eat likewise the elk and the coyote listening for movement under the snow and then jumping int the air and bouncing down in the hope of catching prey. Tracey said that she always keeps her camera switched on all day so that it is ready when the unexpected occurs as indeed it did when an ermine jumped from under the snow and vanished behind boulders .Tracey was the only photographer to get a shot. When a loan wolf appeared Tracey fulfilled an ambition to to photograph this iconic animal which did not welcome the intrusion of the photographers.

Next and returning to warmer time in Canada where at Vancouver Island Tracey photographed orca and humpback whales. Though it was not possible she wished it to get into the sea to photograph these creatures and moving alone to the back of the boat was soaked through when a humpbacked whale jumped out of the water to crash down alongside the boat where Tracey was located. Her companions on hearing the commotion rushed to the back of the boat to ask if she got the shot ignoring that Tracey was in some distress from her encounter with this whale .Moving on to The Bella Coola River in British Columbia where here the salmon had not appeared as a result of which the bears were much emaciated.

Before the break for tea Tracey moved to the sub continent of India where in an action packed trip she photographed many species of birds as well as playful monkeys, mongoose, timid deer and of course the Bengal tiger.

After refreshments Tracey returned again to southern Africa and to the Zimanga private game reserve which offers five star accommodation with the opportunity of open vehicle safari and purpose built hides all equipped with built in tripods for the use of photographers including the Zimanga lagoon hide . These hides are built into the ground to that photographers are able to view many creatures close up and personal at eye level

Many wild beasts were to arrive at this watering place buffalo elephant, lion, jackal, rhino and giraffe principal among those who arrived to drink their fill . Else where this talented lens woman photographed colourful birds and spooky vultures

Many thanks to Tracey for her instructive talk and for sharing her fantastic images .All present would wish Tracey every success in the future and also wish her bon voyage for her upcoming return to Africa and with that the hope of Tracey returning once more to entertain the Bangor club .

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