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Two Tell Their Tale - Peter Hughes & Judith Kimber


On Friday 1st March two club members Judith Kimber and Peter Hughes spoke about the personal development and aims in their photographic journey.

Peter spoke first and had on display two Royal Photographic Society panels one exploring black and white contemporary architecture which was awarded an Associate distinction around 2011- 2012 and another intended for a Royal Photographic Society Fellowship distinction depicting close up images of seaweed photographer during Covid lockdown 'The inspiration here was the bright colours of the Pre-Raphaelite painters and to present an alternative realty .

Additionally Peter had put together three photographic books of family events just for his own and family's enjoyment.

These depicted aspects of his life and photographic interests and video presentations of what he was concerned to photograph saying they were not going to be competition winners but rather indicated how he saw his environment .these were presenter in video format the first of which was a walking tour of The Lake District with his brother and son .Peter was born in The Lake District but later the family mover to Canada when his father who had joined The RAF during WW2 and later joiner The Royal Canadian Airforce .

Another photo book records the Le Mans twenty four hour endurance race in which his son in law runs an Aston Martin racing team .

Next was a book to record family history events and people which Peter said was important as in the past family photographs were often kept in a biscuit tin largely unseen and to make a book would enable his children and grad children to know something of their ancestors life and times .

To end Peter displayed a video of delicate toned architectural interiors .

Peters presentations were a tour de force of much hard work from a gifted photographer.

Next following the break for refreshments Judith Kimber a music teacher in a girls school rose to tell the storey of her fascinating and unique photographic development .

Indeed as those present saw Judiths work in Audio Visual presentation is story telling which she writes with musical accompaniment also composed by herself along with props . dresses or costumes made by herself .

However to start Judith recalled that she joined the club nine years ago at which time she owned a small Canon camera with which she had been able to take good photographs though at this time Judith confined that an understanding of the concept of the exposure triangle the relationship between Iso .Aperture and Time had alluded her until she read a book which explained all . As Judith grew up it was men who did photography with women engaged in flower arranging or playing the piano something she found weird.

Never the less it was her grandfather a member of a camera club introduced her to his work in a darkroom where she found the process of a picture emerging fascinating .

After joining the club a photo of a John Dory with buttons taken with the small Canon was chosen to be included in The Northern Ireland Photographic Association Exhibition .After taking the photograph Judith cooked the fish to enjoy a tasty repas.

Engaging for the first time with the clubs panels competition something that is an introduction to considering trying for a RPS or IPF Distinction was where Judith found the inspiration for her work in audio visual presentation and the depiction of vintage automobiles photographed in Georgia USA is one of many in which she excels .

Judith likes nothing better than venturing out with her camera now a more substantial Canon and fitted with her favourite gold coloured 100mm micro lens which attracts much attention to those she encounters during her excursions .Judiths vision leads her to capture a world with close up abstract imagery and a panel of seaweed photographs was a successful Associate RPS Distinction Judith is now considering a RPS Fellowship Distinction

Also on display was Judith's Licentiate panel of which she said that attempting this lowest of the distinction process was more difficult to do than that of her Associate as the Licentiate requires the applicant to show a variety of images indicating a general all round ability whereas at both Associate and Fellowship level an distinct cohesive balanced body of work is required .

For those present this was a resounding and insightful excursion into the work and vision of Both Judith and Peter which will well be remembered for some considerable time .

Edward McCavana BNDCC Information Officer

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