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The Year Ahead Revealed


On Friday September 06 club members gathered for the inaugural formal meeting of the 2024/2025 season . Club president welcomed everyone making reference to the programme of forthcoming events complied by members Hugh Rooney and Gerry Coe before inviting Hugh to outline what was in store .

Hugh stated that the programme was a balance between some external speakers and some club members . In addition the customary NIPA [Northern Ireland Photographic Association] competitions five in total with two themed rounds ARCHITECTURE scheduled for September 27 and FLOWERS scheduled for January 24th 2025 .

For the benefit of new members Hugh advised that NIPA was an overarching body representing all the camera clubs in Northern Ireland and which had links to The PAGB (The Photographic Alliance Of Great Britain). In addition there are a number of club only competitions commencing with Audrey Argue NATURE .Audrey was a founding member of the club club who had an interest in animals both wild and domestic. March will see the PANELS competition which is a group of six images depicting a theme and arranged in an artistic manner . The competition events will conclude with the EXHIBITIONS Judges Feedback with the exhibition put on public display later in the Summer .

Gerry Coe then spoke about his work with Gelli Plate Art Printing and to some of his chosen speakers .

To give a taste of what is expected some of but not all of the events are. Next week Photo Art -Stan Farrow .In October Drone Landscape Photography and Flowers and Fauna ;A painterly Perspective -Joyce Horsfall In November the club will host Margaret Soraya who will showcase her photography of The Scottish Highlands and Islands .In January Les Forrester will present his work I Contemporary Architecture

The following club members will present their photographic excellence

Nigel Snell - Wildlife Photography

Gerry Coe - Gelli Plate At Printing

Hugh Rooney - Making Photographic Books and Zines

In addition to the formal events staged on Friday evenings at 8 pm there is an informal light hearted Wednesday Club which which surprise -surprise meets on Wednesday evenings at 8pm .

This is of particular interest to those new to photography who can come along and seek advice and a welcome from established members in a relaxed and friendly environment .

The accompanying photographs are a selection of some of the best of the clubs photography.

A mono minimalist image by Hugh Rooney

A painterly portrait by Gerry Coe

A digital projected image by Alastair Bell Alone On The Beach

and a portrait image by Hazell Newell.

If you are inspired by these why not join the club thereby gaining much insight in the art and craft of photography ,perhaps someday to see your work on public display or to just seek to improve and develop an interest in a fascinating hobby you can contact the club secretary Hazell Newell <> or come along to the club premises at 100 Ward Avenue Bangor on either a Friday or Wednesday evening at 8pm .where you will be made welcome .

Edward McCavana BNDCC Information Officer

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