Last Friday BNDCC welcomed Chris Palmer FRPS EFIAP DPAGB APAGB who presented his work in landscape photography.
Chris who lives in Middlesex began by saying that it was his father who introduced him to photography and at that time working with film medium and in the dark room environment gained an Associateship of The Royal Photographic Society which was followed some years later with a digital Fellowship of The RPS. Chris is retired but worked as a air traffic controller at Bishopscourt, Strangford Lough.
The title of this talk arose when a friend said that he was an eloquent speaker and that his photos are also eloquent. Thus this how this presentation got its name.
Chris commenced by displaying a portfolio of images captured in Iceland, which he has visited on many occasions. Chris explained that he always wishes to get things right in camera without the need to do post production in Photoshop. To this end exposure light, composition are essential and he will spend some time scouting a location before getting down to take a shot.
Capturing the varied, desolated and wilderness of of this land of fire and ice, mountains lakes, seascape and glaciers provides the inspiration to record in a simple and abstract manner the forms, contrasting shapes, colours and textures presented. For Chris, seeing and looking are essential in capturing the emotion and essence a scene. Chris declared that while the big vistas are important, he will often fit a telephoto lens to compress a view to give an abstract impression of aspects of colour, form and texture. The sky which can be dramatic or colourful or threatening form an important element in Chris's vision. The iconic Icelandic horses have been photographed in their wild environment.
In the second part of the evening Chris was back in home territory where he explores several areas to pursue his philosophy in photography. Fields in Hertfordshire provides a different less robust landscape to capture more abstract images of rolling hills. And at Hullscape Chris explores using a macro lens to captures beautiful close up images of ice forms. The flow of water where abstract shape, texture and colour are revealed that looks like the work of an artist or sculptur.
The Plantation an area of Silver Birch [Betula pendula ], a tall slender elegant tree with pendulous or drooping branches and leaves triangular in shape with serrated edge and which turn golden yellow in Autumn is another haunt close to where he lives is often visited by Chris to photograph this location in superb light conditions. Chris said that on morning when driving to London and as he passed this area noticed the perfect light conditions and could not resist the urge to divert to capture the inherent beauty.
All who witnessed the evening proceedings can be in no doubt that Chris is a dedicated creative photographer, and artist, a master of his craft who in addition to the work revealed lectures to many camera clubs and has published a book of sublime photography.
Everyone present would wish Chris all future success and hope that he might return in person to Bangor some day soon. will take you to Chris's web site should you wish to see more of his work.