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Modern Architecture Photography - Mark Reeves

On Friday last November 24th members gathered for a talk on the subject of architectural photography.

Club member Hugh Rooney FRPS [Hugh is a talented and gifted architectural photographer] introduced Mark Reeves FRPS a much regarded architectural and landscape photographer who had joined with the club from his home in The Wirral .

Mark commenced by thanking the club for their invitation to speak and posed the question what is architectural photography and said it is the art and science of photographing buildings and also asked when some say why photograph architecture the work of others why is this genre so popular. For Mark and others engaged in this genre it is a matter of how you approach and present you work. Mark said that he prefers to photograph modern architecture as the materials of our time such as steel, glass and concrete give him the crisp definition well suited to modern architecture photography and black and white in particular, where as with historic buildings of stone and brick seem to absorb light.

A passion for his craft is an essential requirement in achieving the results as seen in Mark's image making.

Photographing buildings is a form of landscape photography which captures the urbane build environment which exists all around us and is always undergoing change with new construction appears as time passes.For the most part humanity inhabits cities and towns and we don't need to look to far to find suitable locations .

There are several approaches that a photographer can make ,complete buildings captured at a distance or close up to reveal detail and texture ,or perhaps abstract where the original subject is rendered unrecognisable with tonal difference being what is revealed .

Though he does not often photograph people in the urban setting there are some who do fine work in this yet another approach .

Where to point the camera ,where to stand.when to release the shutter are the important considerations for Mark and he also said that doing research before going on a trip is vital and in this Mark relies on Google search ,Google maps and The Photographers Ephemeris to establish the best time and date when sunlight angle and direction will give the best possible results .

It is apparent that architectural photography for many years now has been widely seen as a form of visual art to grace the walls of homes and work places and has also allowed designers to see their work in a new and different light.

Mark then outlined the equipment he take when embarking on a project. A tripod, camera, lenses including several tile and shift lenses to control converging verticals and a mobile phone.

Safety is also an important consideration with traffic and concern for pedestrians must be kept in mind .

Before the tea break Mark shared a short video of a European rail trip to photograph some iconic modern buildings and after the break gave his insight in his post capture methods in Lightroom and Photoshop.

To end the evening Mark made mention of some photographers in the field of architecture whose work he admires:

Favourite architects

Many thanks to Mark Reeves for his delightful , instructive and inspirational talk. If you would like to see more of Mark's work visit his web site at or follow him on Instagram at .

NEXT WEEK The Roy Finlay Memorial Natural history Competition [hosted by Ards Camera Club at 7-30 pm in The Fountain Centre Bangor

Edward McCavana BNDCC Information Officer

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