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iPhone editing, Snapseed vs Lightroom - Gerry Coe & Hugh Rooney

There can be no doubt that the smart phone is now the ubiquitous accessory of the age, when from primary school to senior citizen are in possession of these devices which also are equipped with a camera.

Arguably, a great feature of photography is that from its beginning (Almost two hundred years ago) is its democracy meaning that it is available for anyone to do and that tradition continues today with smart phones with people sharing their images between friends, relations and on social media, and thus everyone is a photographer wether or not they would describe themselves as such .

However if anyone wished to take their image making to another level they might consider using editing software to enhance what they capture .

Last Friday two club members Gerry Coe and Hugh Rooney presented to members gathered at the club, and at home on Zoom, with an outline of both these applications.

Hugh spoke first; on Lightroom the most sophisticated of the two applications.

While you cant do everything the full version can do a powerful collection of editing tools organised under three categories : Crop, Presets and Adjust. With the crop tool you can straighten, flip and crop using a number of aspect ratio settings including a freeform crop.

The Preset Tool has a range of presets that quickly achieve the look you wish such as contrast, cool , warm, Auto black and white, colour, brightness and many more.

With the Adjust Tool you can fine tune any presets you have applied before saving and sharing your photos.

After the customary break for refreshments, Gerry gave a rundown on the use of Snapseed, an easy to use and understand application to turn ordinary images into stunning images to delight your friends .


Tune images, white balance adjust details.


Crop, rotate, Adjust Perspective.


Healing, Portrait.


Brush, Masking, Vignette


Apply a look to your photos, Customise a look.create your own custom looks

and save your Snapseed edits.

You can see from the images here, the difference between before and after, substantial enhancing edits have been made .

Another way of improving your photographic skills is to join a club, and BNDCC will welcome new members to come along to the Friday formal meeting either at the club or on Zoom, or the informal Wednesday meeting via Zoom only. See the club web site at for more details.

Many thanks to Gerry Coe and Hugh Rooney, for their inspiring talk this evening.

Next Week NIPA Interclub Competition - Round 2 (Night Photography)

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