On Friday the 25th October members of the Bangor club welcomed Jocelyn Horsfall ARPS Associate Of The Royal Photographic Society who through the medium of Zoom presented a fascinating journey of her exploration in fine art flower and plant photography.
Jocelyn who lives in South West London close to Richmond Park and Kew Gardens finds her inspiration in these locations .

Jocelyn a multi award winning photography including The International Garden Photographer Of The Year commenced by saying that in the past she worked in advertising but later jumped ship to peruse a career in photography in the first instance visiting the South West region of The USA where she photographed the many National Parks of that region including Death Valley Yellowstone Park Yosemite Park and several canyons .and on returning home following a three month stay decided to go to college to study photography . Before setting up her own photographic venture her present work in abstract and painterly flower imaging .

Jocelyn explained the methodology and techniques of in camera multiple exposure , ICM Intentional Camera Movement and photographing blooms through obscure or figured glass . A favourite method to which she often relies is to take an out of focus shot and with double exposure to overlay this with a well focused image . Jocelyn referenced both her studio work and her approach to outdoor capture . Jocelyn employs the use of textures applied in post production in software processing . Another method explored is photographing blooms submerged in a glass tank filled with water where bubbles at the surface level provide for fascinating imagery and here Jocelyn uses sparkling water to augment the effect .
Moving on Jocelyn showcased her imagery in photographing the seasons Spring .Summer Autumn and Winter which season can surprisingly provide good colour .Being creative in processing and using Photoshop blending modes is employed to provide the sough after abstract effects .It is in this trial and experimental approach that Jocelyn excels .

Wild flower meadows in their Summer display , fields of grasses and the colours of Autumn are all explored to wonderful effect .

A winter garden at Kew Gardens provides inspiration including Silver Birch trees and foliage in Richmond Park add to Jocelyn's winter portfolio.
To conclude Jocelyn explained how if you have access to a palm house where in winter photographing through condensation or frost covered glass to the plants inside can reveal interesting images .The images displayed here Dappled Dreams, Fire And Rain , Joyful Spring and Leaf Artistry [Here you see an oriental look in this image ]are a representative example of Jocelyn's imaginative work .
Bangor And North Down Camera Club would wish to thank Joycelyn Horsfall for sharing her photographic work which was the first time she has presented a talk in Northern Ireland . It is a wish that she will return sometime in the future .
To finish her tour de force of photographic excellence Jocelyn displayed images from a series of projects undertaken in recent years which included a portfolio of infrared images taken in the palm house of Kew Gardens .
[Infrared photography captures light spectrum invisible to human perception and gives us ethereal and aesthetically pleasing images . A specially adapted camera is needed for infrared photography ]
To see more of this photographers work please visit www.jocelynhorsfall.com
Edward McCavana BNDCC Information Officer .