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Club & NIPA Competition Round 4


Rob Sergeant from CPA camera club was the appointed judge for the inter club NIPA [Northern Ireland Photographic Association] round four competition which had the theme of Industry.

Rob confirmed that having checked the definition this topic is described in the following headings.

01 Primary ,02 Secondary,03 Tertiary and Quaternary Industry .respectively 01 raw materials,Mining,Farming ,Fishing .02 Manufacture ,03 Services ,Teaching ,. Nursing ,04 Research and Development. Rob then said that he would not strictly insist on the above criteria and would concentrate on image quality but, thought there were some images that perhaps did not embody the stated theme.

Starting with colour print Rob considered every image making comment and advice where he thought improvements could be made to cropping or limitation of distracting elements and thereby draw attention to the important subject matter. Rob was at pains to praise those images for their rendering ,balance , choice of subject and adherence to the topic of industry.Moving to the novice colour print Rob commented that some images in this section were worthy of being in the advanced category.

Rob then made his selection of the winning and placed images as follows:


John Sullivan Krupp


John Sullivan Belfast Twilight Second

John Sullivan The big Smoke Third

Leanne Simpson Mining Highly Commended


Bobby Peacock A Number Of Cranes First

Elliot North Sunset At Belfast Docks Second

Turning then to advanced mono print Rob confided that his task here was more difficult as the standard was better than that in colour print .However on consideration with the principals he had adopted for colour print Rob selected the winning images .

Advance Mono

Harry Graham Fishing Industry First

John Sullivan Giant of Industry Second

Harry Graham No More Shipbuilding Third

John Sullivan Cogs Highly Commended

Harry Graham 3 Million Tourists Commended


John Sullivan Shipyard Men First

Leanne Simpson A Windmill Second

Alastair Bell Work Bench Third

John Sullivan Belfast Giants

Highly Commended

Mandy Milliken Holder



Hanna Brown Tied Up First

Bobby Peacock Gas Rig Refit Second

Bobby Peacock Redundant Gas Rigs Third

Hanna Brown Drift Nets Highly Commended

Hanna Brown In The Harbour Commended

Many thanks to Rob Sergeant for his incisive and thoughtful consideration of all images on display ,Congratulations to the chosen winners and those placed and finally thanks to all who submitted their work for consideration. It is everyone who competes that makes the club such a vibrant social group.As the young Mr Grace often said [You've all done very well]

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