Bangor & North Down Camera Club
Bangor and North Down Camera Club was founded in 1961, and has one of the largest memberships in Northern Ireland. We welcome new members, especially those who are new to photography.
Our club enjoys an informal and friendly atmosphere where 'good photography' is always the key. Enthusiasm for all kinds of photography is infectious - and members gather formally on Fridays - and informally on Wednesdays - to share their experiences.
We encourage all members, especially those who are new to digital photography, to reach their full potential. Indeed; many of our 'Advanced' club members attend both Friday and Wednesday evenings from 8pm, and readily share their knowledge, skills, experience in film, slide, digital photography, and digital AV projection.
Whether you are new to photography, or an old hand who wants to rekindle your interest, we'd be glad to see you.
Come along and check us out. You won't be disappointed. I can assure you that you will be made most welcome!

Club Activities
The club has run a varied programme of events every year mostly on Friday nights. These evenings are a mixture of competition evenings, guest speakers, club speakers and some light entertainment such as quiz nights.
The guest speakers over the years have covered very aspect of photography including landscape, portraiture, travel, wildlife, photo-journalism, astrophotography, audio visual shows and film making.
The club currently runs a programme of events on Friday evenings from Sept to May each year. There are also less formal evenings every Wednesday where members can come along and learn about cameras, digital processing, photographic composition and lighting techniques.
The club is a member of the Northern Ireland Photographic Association (NIPA) and through NIPA competes in a series of competitions each year with other photographic clubs from across Northern Ireland.
The club has also over the years facilitated or organised evenings and weekend workshops with established photographers from throughout the British Isles and even from the USA. The photographers giving these workshop events have included leading photographers such as John Blakemore, Bruce Percy, Dan Burkholder (USA) and Fran Forman (USA).
Most recently, the club hosted leading English Landscape photographer Joe Cornish at the Space auditorium in Bangor.